Student Life
St. Cecilia Cathedral School goes beyond the normal academic curriculum. We feel that it is important to meet the differentiated needs of our students and provide opportunities to explore their interests.
Student Organizations & Clubs
Altar Servers - Altar servers are trained to serve Mass at the Cathedral. Ages: 6th, 7th & 8th Grades
Band Program - Music in Catholic School (MCS) is an Archdiocesan program which allows students to develop individual and group instrumental band skills. Participants receive two lessons per week during school hours. Students are brought together with musicians from other schools for band performances. Ages: 5th through 8th Grades
Operetta - This is the St. Cecilia traditional annual musical. The cast is selected by audition from students 5th through 8th grade. The balance of students in 3rd through 8th grades perform in the chorus. Students auditioning for the cast commit to a rehearsal schedule of seven weeks preceding the show.
Roots & Shoots - This organization, founded by the Jane Goodall Institute, encourages young people to participate in service projects which help people, animals, and the environment. Ages: 6th, 7th & 8th Grade
Student Government - Led by Ms. Guinn and Ms. Arensberg, the student leadership group allows students to take leadership roles in the planning of school activities. They collaborate with one another to foster a positive environment for all members of the school community.
Songfest - Students participate in a school-wide song and dance presentation for fellow students and families in the Monsignor Ernest Graham Parish Center gymnasium. Ages: Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Cathedral LIFE Runners - Join St. Cecilia’s LIFE Runners parish or school chapter at LIFE Runners is the world’s largest Pro-Life team. Running is optional! Sign up, order your “Remember the Unborn” shirt and be a witness to life. Of post-abortion women, 78% said if one person had offered support or if they had one supportive sign, they would have chosen life. Wear you jersey and be that one person that impacts hearts for saving lives. Contact Matt Pohren for more information.
Athletics At St. Cecilia
St. Cecilia offers soccer (boys and girls PreK-8th), volleyball (girls 5th-8th), basketball (boys and girls 3rd-8th), and track (boys and girls 6th-8th). Volunteer opportunities in athletics include coaching, assistant coaching, and helping in the gym/concession stand for home games. To register your student for an upcoming sports season or yourself as a coach, please register using the above link.
Basketball - Participation is through the Parochial Athletic League (PAL) with team sizes varying depending on the number of players. (Grades 3-8)
Grades 1-8 -Organized as the Cathedral Soccer Club, the Club is part of the Catholic Youth Soccer League (CYSL). Ages: Grades 1-8 boys and girls
Micro Soccer Grades PreK - K - A parish intramural soccer league. Ages: Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
Soccer Registration Fall 2024: Click here to register any student going into 1st - 8th grade next year! We need volunteers for head and assistant coaches (see the coach sign up at the same link).
Track & Field - Participation is through the Parochial Athletic League (PAL), with team sizes varying depending upon the number of participants. Ages: 6th through 8th Grade, boys and girls
Volleyball - Participation is through the Parochial Athletic League (PAL), with team sizes varying depending upon the number of players. Ages: 5th through 8th Grade girls
Volleyball Registration Fall 2024: Click here to sign up to play today for 5th-8th grade players! Registration closes on Friday, May 24th.