Finding Nemo Jr. - Get Your Tickets Here!
You are invited to this year’s Operetta production, Finding Nemo Jr.! This wonderful tradition includes the talents of every 3rd through 8th grade student in our school. We hope you are able to make it to one of our performances:
Wednesday, March 5: Performance at 1:30 pm
Thursday, March 6: Performance at 7:00 pm
Friday, March 7: Grandparent’s Day Mass at 8:30 am, Performance at 10:30 am
All tickets are $7 and help fund this and future operetta productions. They can be purchased by using this link: Operetta Tickets. Grandparents are invited to attend our March 1st performance free of charge.
Middle School Track Registration
Soccer Registration Spring 2025
Parish Breakfast - January 26th 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
We will be kicking off Catholic Schools Week with a Filipino, Karenni and traditional breakfast. Please join us!
More Information here.
Catholic Schools Week Activities
Click here to find all of the details you ned for Catholic Schools Week 2025!
Trivia Night Feb. 1st @ 5:30 pm
🧠 Trivia Night is February 1st! 🧠
SAVE THE DATE! This epic @stcchomeandschool annual fundraiser is just around the corner. Create a team of 8 OR join one. Invite your neighbors, family, friends, fellow @st.cecilia.cardinals alums or Saint Cecilia Cathedral parish members to create a team of 8 or to join one. It's an event you never want to miss. Plus, all proceeds directly support Saint Cecilia Cathedral School - Omaha!
Finding Nemo Apparel (order through Jan. 16th)
Finding Nemo apparel available for sale until January 16th! Click here for the online store, and items will be delivered at the beginning of February.
QTR 3 After School Club Registration
After School Club Registration is open! Click here to sign up for Q3 clubs.
Options include activities for chess, animal exploration, lego creations, crafting & more!
Christmas Spirit Week - Dec. 16 - 20
Christmas Spirit Week will be tons of fun before break! Our Student Government came up with the following themes:
Monday: A Long Winter's Nap (full out of uniform)
Tuesday: Christmas Spirit Wear (uniform bottoms)
Wednesday: Fa La La La La (full out of uniform)
Thursday: Mad for Plaid (full out of uniform)
Friday: Christmas Accessories (with full uniform)
We need you in the Bird Feeder!!
You can have a court side view of the game supporting our teams and earn volunteer hours toward the required 15 for your family! There are games on Friday nights and all day Saturday. Join the fun & support our kids!
CLICK HERE to find a date and time to get this amazing view of basketball games!
Purchase an Activity Pass!
Don't miss out on family fun! Purchase an Activity Pass today for $30 and get admission to all home games for your immediate family plus five bags of popcorn. Your support directly benefits St. Cecilia classrooms. Buy your pass now!
Canned Food Drive for our St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
Let's make a difference together! Donate canned beans, legumes, and soup to help those struggling with hunger in our community. Food drive runs Dec. 8th - 18th
Operetta 2025 "Finding Nemo, Jr."
Operetta 2025 has recently been announced. The show will take place in March, 2025.
Comedy & Cuisine 2025
Comedy & Cuisine March 29, 2025
To keep up-to-date on the event, please click here.
Donuts with Grownups - Dec. 13th 7:30 am - 9:00 am
It’s the perfect time to buy stocking stuffers or Christmas gifts. Students may shop our Scholastic Book Fair with their grown up and enjoy a delicious donut at the same time in the Library / STEAM Lab
After School Club Registration for 2nd Qtr.
Click on the link below to access the online registration for the 2nd Quarter after school clubs.
Basketball Registration for 2024-25. Deadline is Oct. 25th
Please click the link below for more information regarding Basketball registration.
Support Comedy & Cuisine!
Contribute to St. Cecilia Grade School and enjoy a fun perk! Donate to our Comedy and Cuisine silent auction and earn an out-of-uniform day on Friday, November 8th. The drive runs from October 21st to November 7th. We're grateful for your support!
Congrats to our Cathedral Fest Shirt Design Winners!
Here is a sneak peak of the 2024 Cathedral Fest design!