Principal's Letter

Principal Newsletter

St. Cecilia families,

Click here to view the Take Home Tuesday for this week.

Book Fair started today and continues through next Thursday, December 14th! We are also hosting a Donuts with Grownups event this Friday, December 8th, from 7 - 8:15 AM to provide extra time to purchase books. Our school keeps 55% of the book fair profits for use in the classroom and library, so each purchase directly benefits our school!

As a school community, we are planning to have our families and staff serving through various forms of ministry at a weekend Mass. Our plan is to focus on engaging the different grade level groups throughout the year, starting with 6th - 8th grade. On December 10th at 10:30 am we are excited to have our students, staff and families participating in a special way at Mass. We encourage your family to attend, participate and stay for the pancake breakfast in the Cafeteria! We ask any students attending with their families to wear their school uniforms so our parishioners are able to see their presence within the congregation. Our school families and staff will get to participate by bringing up the gifts, greeting parishioners, choir singing during communion, serving, reading and as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. We hope you are able to join us!

Operetta theme is Willy Wonka, Jr! We are excited for our students to perform Willy Wonka, Jr. on February 28th, 29th & March 1st.

- Auditions are December 14th & 15th from 3:30 - 5:30 PM (grades 5 - 8 only). Check audition sign up time for student's exact date/time.

- CLICK HERE to purchase the Operetta shirt for this year! Students are able to wear this for the performances in the chorus as well (so no sweaters if they have a shirt). Store closes 12/26 (good Christmas present idea)!

December Lunch Calendar is attached. Click here if you're available to help prepare lunches and serve our kids. Thank you to all our volunteers for giving their time and talent!

May we all have a hopeful first week of the season of Advent!

Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

Hello Cardinals,

 Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT) with reminders & updates from our school community!

  • No School on November 20th-24th & December 4th, 22nd-31st. Noon Dismissal on December 21st

  • Picture retakes are Thursday, November 16th

  • November Lunch Calendar is attached. Click here if you're available to help prepare lunches and serve our kids, please consider signing up to volunteer!

  • Fruit of the Spirit this month is PEACE, a deep and abiding inner serenity that comes from a close relationship with God, reconciliation, and harmonious relationships with others.

  • If the high for the day is less than 50 degrees, ALL students are now required to wear pants or leggings (black, navy or grey) with their skirts.

Have a great week, Cardinals!

Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT) with details & reminders for our school community!

  • No School on November 10th and 20th - 24th

  • Picture retakes are Thursday, November 16th

  • November Lunch Calendar is attached. Click here if you're available to help prepare lunches and serve our kids, please consider signing up to volunteer!

  • Order SquareOne art by TOMORROW, 11/8! Search for your child's art using Art Search. Enter state, school name (Cecilia), and your student's name. Your student's art and code will appear. All orders get shipped directly to the buyer. Delivery time takes 2-3 weeks, so items would be great Christmas gifts.

  • Fruit of the Spirit this month is PEACE, a deep and abiding inner serenity that comes from a close relationship with God, reconciliation, and harmonious relationships with others.

  • If the high for the day is less than 50 degrees, ALL students are now required to wear pants or leggings (black, navy or grey) with their skirts.

Principal Newsletter

Dear St. Cecilia families,


Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT) with details & reminders for our St. Cecilia Cathedral community!

  • Report cards went home on Tuesday, October 24th.

  • Bring a gift card to dress out of uniform on Wednesday, October 25th! If we get to 100 gift cards total, 5 student names will be drawn to PIE THE PRINCIPAL in the face! We are thankful for your contribution to boost the success of the Comedy & Cuisine fundraiser (4/13/24). You can also email with any virtual gift cards.

  • Parent & Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, October 26th, from 11:30 am - 6:30 pm.

  • No School on October 26th & 27th.

Order SquareOne art by Wednesday, 11/8! Search for your child's art using Art Search. Enter state, school name (Cecilia), and your student's name. Your student's art and code will appear. All orders get shipped directly to the buyer. Delivery time takes 2-3 weeks, so items would be great Christmas gifts!


We are participating in a month-long rosary rally in October! The goal for the Archdiocese of Omaha is to pray 50,000 rosaries this month for a united effort to foster vocations. Check out the website (link) for more details. We have completed over 500 total rosaries as a school so far this month!


Looking forward to seeing you all at conferences on Thursday!

Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

Hello cardinals!


Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT) with details for how to get involved or support our St. Cecilia Cathedral community!


Quarter 2 ends tomorrow, October 18th! Report cards will go home on Tuesday, October 24th.


After school club registration for Quarter 2 is open! Click here to enroll. These new club programs begin on Thursday, 10/19.


Parent & Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, October 26th, from 11:30 am - 6:30 pm.


No School on October 26th & 27th.


We are participating in a month-long rosary rally in October! The goal for the Archdiocese of Omaha is to pray 50,000 rosaries this month for a united effort to foster vocations. Check out the website (link) for more details. We have completed 415 total rosaries as a school so far this month!


Thank you for a great first quarter, and looking forward to our second quarter together!

Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

St. Cecilia families,

Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT), which highlights all upcoming items and information.

Quarter 2 ends next Wednesday, October 18th, and report cards will go home on Tuesday, October 24th.

After school club registration for Quarter 2 is open! CLICK HERE to enroll. These new club programs begin on Thursday, 10/19.

Parent & Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, October 26th, from 11:30 am - 6:30 pm.

We are participating in a month-long rosary rally in October! Our goal is to pray 50,000 rosaries this month for a united effort to foster vocations. Check out the website (link) for more details!

Have a great week, cardinals!

Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

Hello St. Cecilia families!

Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT)! There is A LOT of information and upcoming items to share. Reminder for this week include:

  • Picture Day - students need their button down school sweaters for 9/28-29! Individual pictures are Thursday, and class pictures are on Friday.

  • October Lunch Menu - attached for your review.

  • Blood Drive - Knights of Columbus is hosting a blood drive (7:30 AM - 12:30 PM) in the Cultural Center on Sunday, October 1st. Reserve your spot by clicking here! Walk ins are welcome too. Stop by the cafeteria to have a pancake breakfast after 9:15 am!

  • Cathedralfest Raffle Tickets - the last Ticket Turn In will be next Tuesday, October 3rd! Homeroom to sell most percentage of tickets wins a pizza party with the principal!

Have a wonderful week, cardinals!

Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

St. Cecilia families!

Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT)! A few reminders and upcoming items include:

- Quarter 1 Progress Reports went home today

- No School this Friday, September 22nd

- Cake Spin Donations (see attachment)

- Toys are allowed for show and tell only

Volleyball Volunteers: Chip away at the 15 required volunteer hours! We need volunteers to operate the concession stand, admission window, and scoreboard. Click here for dates/times to help out. Perks include smelling like delicious, buttery popcorn for 24 hours!

Spirit Wear Sale: Check out all the new and traditional items to purchase to represent our school! Click here to see what is available, and these shirts can be worn on Wednesdays (Spirit Day) with uniform bottoms! Last day to order is SEPT. 21st and will be sent home by October 5th.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who attended the Oktoberfest fundraiser on Friday, and to the four school and parish families (Christina & Colin Lyons, Danielle & Chris Lyons, Remy & Chris Kaslon, Erin & Ryan Hagedorn) who organized and hosted the evening's event! We are so grateful for all of the generosity and support of our St. Cecilia community!

Have a wonderful week, cardinals!

Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

St. Cecilia families!

Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT), which highlights all upcoming events and information. A few upcoming items for this weekend and upcoming week include:

Volleyball Volunteers: Chip away at the 15 required volunteer hours! We need volunteers to operate the concession stand, admission window, and scoreboard. Click here for dates/times to help out. Perks include smelling like delicious, buttery popcorn for 24 hours!

Oktoberfest Fundraiser: Enjoy live music, games, costume contest & more! Click here to purchase tickets. This Friday, September 15th from 6 - 10 pm (adults only) at Chris & Danielle Lyons' Haus (3836 California Street).

Spirit Wear Sale: Check out all the new and traditional items to purchase to represent our school! Click here to see what is available, and these shirts can be worn on Wednesdays (Spirit Day) with uniform bottoms! Last day to order is SEPT. 21st and will be sent home by October 5th.

Have a wonderful week, cardinals!

Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT). Please review the attached documents, which include:


- Annual Report for St. Cecilia Cathedral Parish, School & Childcare Center

- Free and Reduce Lunch Application

- Soccer Team & Individual Pictures

- Curriculum Night information

- Oktoberfest Fundraiser

- Color Fun Run Registration


Happy Feast Day to St. Teresa of Calcutta! Mother Teresa, pray for us!


Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

St. Cecilia families!


Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT). Topics include upcoming school and community events, September lunch menu, and many other opportunities!


There is no school on Friday (9/1) and Monday (9/4). Our school calendar dates and fundraiser events have been added to a Google Calendar (link) for your convenience.


Have a great week!


Mrs. Stoffel

Principal Newsletter

Dear St. Cecilia families!

Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT). Topics include all of the "firsts" we have this week, along with other upcoming school events and opportunities! Please note, no Cross Country this week due to the extreme heat. Also, the school calendar dates and fundraiser events have been added to a Google Calendar (link) for your convenience.

Stay cool out there this week!

Mrs. Stoffel